Late Sodium Current Blockade in High Risk ICD Patients, Ranolazine ICD Trial (RAID)

Study Status

Open to Enrollment

Study Description

The purpose of this study is to determine how effective a drug called Ranolazine is in reducing the risk of fast cardiac arrhythmias and death in people with an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD). This drug will be used with standard medications that your doctor will use to treat your heart.

At present, there is no effective medication reducing the risk of these life-threatening heart rhythms. We are trying to determine if high-risk patients treated with ICDs combined with a drug called Ranolazine will have a lower risk of developing life-threatening heart rhythms following implantation of the ICD device.



Key Eligibility

Eligible people are those who have heart disease resulting in reduced pumping action of the heart (heart failure). These people are at risk for progression of heart failure and may be at risk for developing life-threatening heart rhythms.

  • Inclusion Criteria:
    • Age 21 or older
    • Secondary or primary prevention subjects with ischemic or non-ischemic cardiomyopathy who meet current guidelines for ICD or CRT-D device therapy and meet the above definition of high risk subjects
    • Subjects on stable optimal pharmacologic therapy for their cardiac condition

Principal Investigator

George Thomas, MD


Healthy Volunteers


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Contact Us

For general inquiries, or if you need assistance finding a study, please contact:

Robert Hagerty
Subject Recruitment Manager
Tel: (646) 962-9340
[email protected]

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