Prospective Data Collection Among Women Using Cold Caps During TC Chemotherapy

Study Status

Open to Enrollment

Study Description

This study includes women with early-stage breast cancer who are receiving chemotherapy with docetaxel and cyclophosphamide at the outpatient chemotherapy infusion center at the Weill Cornell Breast Center and who have chosen to use a cold cap during treatment.

Cold caps are a commercially available device designed to prevent hair loss associated with chemotherapy. The Weill Cornell Breast Center does not endorse cold caps but supports our patients who choose to use them.

The purpose of the study is to observe patients using cold caps and evaluate how well the cold caps work in preventing chemotherapy-induced hair loss using digital photographs.

We will take photographs of your head before you begin chemotherapy, at every chemotherapy visit and 3 weeks after chemotherapy is completed. We will also collect information about your medical history from your medical records. You will be followed in the study for as long as you are using cold caps while receiving chemotherapy and for approximately 3 weeks after chemotherapy is completed. On average, this could be about 3 months.

Cold caps are not provided as part of this research study.

Disease Status and/or Stage

Early-Stage Breast Cancer

Key Eligibility

  • Early-stage breast cancer
  • Receiving chemotherapy with docetaxel and cyclophosphamide at Weill Cornell Breast Center
  • Using a cold cap during treatment

Principal Investigator

Tessa Cigler, MD


  • Martarita Maxwell
  • (212) 821-0644

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Tel: (646) 962-8232
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